

This is shocking. Organized crime rates in San Francisco have skyrocketed in recent years.
The insane part is that everything is being stolen from packages on the porch to backpacks
in locked cars. The city is becoming overrun with homelessness and crime. Even affluent
neighborhoods, which once were safe communities, are now havens for criminals. Is this the end
of San Francisco? A recent police report shows that an organized ring of professional criminals
run an operation of package theft and car robberies. They drive around a nice neighborhood,
and when they see a car parked with a backpack or wallet inside it, they hop out to inspect.
The thief then uses a specialized tool to quickly break the window of the car and grab the items
inside. All this is done in less than 30 seconds. After they secure the items, they are driven to
a second location where everything is handed off to another car. From there, all the items are
laundered and sold. It is a very clean and effective operation that nets them millions of dollars a
year. Driving around San Francisco, you can see many cars with broken windows. They do similar
a thing with packages in front of people's doors. It is also not uncommon to see people running out
of malls in San Francisco holding bags of obviously stolen things. This is such a common occurrence
that people don't even look phased by it anymore. Stores like Walmart and Target estimate that they
lose over three billion dollars in profit every year due to theft.
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