

我的天啊,看這個沙漠,我的天啊! Oh my gosh, look at the harbor, oh my gosh!
上天早上,我們去看風景的時候, When we went up in the air the other morning to see what kind of damage there might have been,
我們沒想到我們會看到的, We never suspected that we'd see what we saw.
因為我住在這裡的一生, It was heartbreaking because I've lived here most of my life,
and the entire town of Lahaina is basically was burnt to the ground.
The entire historic area, front street, all the shops, people's homes, hundreds of homes.
It was the other plants that were with me to view this, we looked at each other in disbelief.
We could not believe what we were seeing.
近 31 日
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