澤倫斯基透過視訊給台灣忠告:透過外交解決方案 預防台海衝突

澤倫斯基給台灣忠告:透過外交解決方案預防台海衝突 | 聯合新聞網


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(1)澤倫斯基11日透過視訊在新加坡「香格里拉對話」發表特別演說。演說後華盛頓郵報記者Josh Rogin問他,中國大陸尋求在必要時以武力拿下台灣,台灣該如何因應?參考[1]
(2)澤倫斯基回答,“The Ukraine example shows that once violence breaks out, the human costs are staggering...so every effort must be made to find a diplomatic solution to avoid outright conflict, if possible. But at the same time, he said, the international community must intervene before tensions spill over into violence to ensure a SMALLER COUNTRY CAN STAND UP TO an aggressor... We must not leave them behind at the mercy of another country which is more powerful in financial terms, in territorial terms and in terms of equipment...And therefore, if there is a way out diplomatically, we need to use the diplomatic way. But it must be a preemptive way, not the one that comes after the war has started.”


[1]WP: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/11/zelensky-calls-for-support-taiwan-before-china-attacks-ukraine-russia/

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