我問了朋友此信息真假? 以下是他回答. 妳可問妳先生,在communication 做過事的expert. 🤔🤔🤔 I am no expert, but, it's a good practice to often use speaker phone or headsets when making calls via mobile phones...

1. In the video, they used "微瓦" for unit of measure... so, I am not sure the correct conversion to "Millisieverts (mSv) as mSv is the unit of measure for radiation “exposure” over a period of time...

2. W.R.T. another term they used in the video "電磁波” (Electromagnetic Wave) is different from "電磁輻射” (Electromagnetic Radiation), perhaps 電磁波is only a subset of radiation (輻射)... so, I am not sure if they purposely mixing terms to create news or how much impact it really is that can fry people's brains from using (line) calling...

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