Dear Beloved,

I am Mrs.Mean, I got your email address from the online e-mail Database Directory through the Internet search and it's true we do not known each other but My spirit led me to write you this email.

I am a dying sick woman, writing from my sick bed, I want to donate US$10.5Miliion to you for charity Work in your country.

I write you with heavy tears in my eyes and great sorrow in my heart because my Doctor informed me that It will take only the will of God for me to survive due to my Complicated health issues (CANCER).

Based on this, I want to transfer my inheritance money USD$10.5 Million deposited by my late husband to a faithful and God fearing person who will use it according to my desire and that of my late husband as we have no child after so many years of our marriage.

We want you to use the funds for charity causes,while 15% will be kept by you as compensation for taking this responsibility to help mankind.

The disbursements should be made to charities such as orphanages,motherless babies homes,poor widows,disables and to humanitarian causes.

I will wait to hear from you if you can handle this task with honesty and please kindly reply.

Warm wishes from,
近 31 日
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