.國民黨主席江啟臣獲美國《時代》雜誌評選爲百大「次世代領導人」(2021 TIME100 NEXT)




(TIME100 Next:時代雜誌自2019年起每年選出全球一百位正在改變未來的新興領袖)。.
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美國有義務出售台灣軍武,也很可能陷入各種衝突,維持區域穩定可能取決於江主席的能力 -- 平衡政黨內的兩種聲音,並在這條繩索上走下去。

Elected in 2020 as the youngest-ever leader of Asia’s oldest political party, 48-year-old Johnny Chiang knew that reforming Taiwan’s Kuomintang (KMT) wouldn’t be easy. But given that his party had just suffered two straight crushing election defeats, he knew they needed to move away from their aging base and attract a new generation of voters. The problem: the KMT has long held the position that self-ruling Taiwan and the Chinese mainland are a part of the same country—a notion welcomed by Beijing but alienating to young Taiwanese eager to forge their own way. Recalibrating this stance is vital to the future of the KMT; however, it risks angering an increasingly hawkish Chinese government, which has repeatedly vowed to invade should Taiwan declare independence. Moreover, the U.S. is obliged by treaty to sell Taiwan weapons, and could be drawn into any conflict. Regional stability may rely on the ability of Chiang—a U.S.-trained former academic and economist—to navigate this tightrope while quelling populist voices within his own ranks. “The youth will be the major decision-makers in our party,” Chiang tells TIME. —Charlie Campbell


江啟臣主席的頁面在 time 100 next

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