重要‼️重要‼️大家告訴大家,務必要警告單純的年輕人們 ⋯⋯

This fruit wine tasted great, but made you pass out, sick, possibly being raped, and if drink a little more, it kills!

In Taiwan it's called “Four Loko”, it has landed in California. I don't know if it is the same name or changed the name, because they often used different names in USA to attract young people. For example, communists changed their name to “liberals” in America and embraced by young people as they love “liberty” (freedom).

Be very careful don't drink even just a little mouthful!

Don't be deceived by the names and/or outside attractions. We are in the crazy Great Deception Age. End Time! Don’t be so curious about trying new things!

Pray that God only surround you with good people of good integrity/spirits like Daniel (the Book of Daniel). Don't make weird friends in this great deception age.

Read Psalms as your prayers, read Proverbs as your wisdom, and read books of prophets to know what is the judgement against the evil. Protect yourself.
God bless you all.
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